Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Review: Earth Star by Janet Edwards

*I received a free copy from Netgalley for an honest review. This is also available on Goodreads*

Goodreads Synopsis
Sequel to Earth Girl 

18-year-old Jarra has a lot to prove. After being awarded one of the military’s highest honours for her role in a daring rescue attempt, Jarra finds herself – and her Ape status – in the spotlight. Jarra is one of the unlucky few born with an immune system that cannot survive on other planets. Derided as an ‘ape’ – a ‘throwback’ – by the rest of the universe, Jarra is on a mission to prove that Earth Girls are just as good as anyone else.
Except now the planet she loves is under threat by what could be humanity’s first ever alien contact. Jarra’s bravery – and specialist knowledge – will once again be at the centre of the maelstrom, but will the rest of the universe consider Earth worth fighting for? 

Having not read the first book, Earth Girl, I really didn't know what to expect. I found I didn't need to have read #1, because I'm told what I need to know about what happened as I read through the book. 

Jarra, I felt, did not act her age, in fact, many times I felt she was about 25, instead of 18. She's stubborn and I feel sorry for Fian to put up with it sometimes. The way she lets her upbringing define her got annoying after a while. 

Fian. New book boyfriend alert! If Jarra doesn't want him, I call dibs! Although he's from a very strict planet, I like him. He doesn't let his upbringing influence him that much, whereas Jarra does. 

The other characters like Drago are fab, and some of them are more likely to become my favorite, instead of the main characters. 

Overall, I liked it.

Book: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16069783-earth-star?from_search=true

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